Author: AntonioGuillen

  • Have your clients paid high Inheritance or Gift taxes in Spain in the past?

    Pursuant to the European Court of Justice´s decision of the 3/9/2014 they could be entitled to ask for a refund The Spanish inheritance and gift tax is a national tax but the Spanish Government transferred it to the regional bodies (autonomous communities), who have autonomy to legislate and collect the tax. The autonomous communities have…

  • Spanish mortgages – Latest news.

      Following our previous article about mortgages in Spain. The CJEU resolution (21th of December 2016) allows consumers to claim their money back retrospectively from Spanish Banks   As we explained in our previous article, The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) was recently asked to decide about an important case for Spanish…

  • Spanish Powers of Attorney signed in the UK

    A new Spanish case Decision by the Director General of Notaries and Registrars in Spain (DGRN) has been issued on the 14th of September 2016 affecting Spanish Powers of Attorney signed abroad and therefore also those signed in the United Kingdom. The said decision of the DGNR rejected the registration in Spain of a purchase…

  • A quick guide on buying property in Spain for UK solicitors

                Do you have a client looking to buy property in Spain? How can you help him/her from the UK?  It is quite likely that you will have one or two clients looking for a property in Spain. The uncertainty of Brexit and the temporary weakness of the Sterling pound…

  • Do´s and don´t when buying property in Spain

                  Do’s & don’ts when buying in Spain. DO’S. Make your budget. Apart from the price of the property you should consider other costs related to the transaction such as follows: Taxes, Notary and Land Registry: You should consider 10%-12%. Spanish Lawyer fees* Surveyor** although it is not mandatory…

  • Tell me more about Gunnercooke!

    http:// What is Gunnercooke? Very often I get asked this question by clients and contacts. They have heard that we are a diffent law firm to the standard, traditional and rigid law firms. However they do not know what makes the difference between us and other law firms. See above an interesting video made by…

  • BREXIT AND SPAIN: TWO MONTHS LATER WHAT WOULD AN EVENTUAL BREXIT MEAN FOR THOSE BRITISH THAT WANT TO BUY PROPERTY IN SPAIN? How would it affect British people who own properties in Spain? And those who are in the process of buying them? It is too early to know what is going to happen but…

  • 3rd Edition of Spanish Festival

    FESTEJAR 2016               From left to right: Virginia Moreno, Claudia Font, Jesus Torre, Mariluz Simal, Antonio Guillén and Angel Miguelez. The Spanish Desk from Gunnercooke attended last night the opening of the FESTEJAR festival in Manchester. It is the third edition of a Spanish festival in which, for four…

  • How to apply for British citizenship

                This Article is in Spanish because it is mainly for those Spanish nationals who are considering applying for British citizenship. Should you require information in English please contact us on A la vista de varias consultas hechas recientemente sobre la posibilidad de pedir la ciudadanía británica, y de…

  • From Mexico to Manchester

    http:// I would like to thank Beatriz Huitron for the post placed in the blog of the Spanish University CEU in Valencia detailing her work experiences in the Spanish department of Gunnercooke LLP. Best wishes to Beatriz and all the best in her future endeavours as a lawyer wherever she ends up landing as the…