Tag: Spanish lawyer in Manchester

  • Holiday apartments in Spain. Do I need a licence?

            A few days ago I wrote a post in connection to the property market in Barcelona and the increase of holiday apartments in the city.  The Catalan Government has recently regulated the holiday rentals market and now allows holiday rentals as long as the owners comply with certain obligations. Unfortunately, the situation is different in…

  • Buying property in Barcelona

                      Barcelona is probably one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. Woody Allen tried to show it in his famous film “Vicky Cristina Barcelona” although he excesively focused on the usual landmarks and buildings, forgetting that there is beauty in many other places apart from the…

  • First use license and habitation certificate. Tomatoe, tomato. Are they the same thing?

                  There are two documents which are essential before moving into a house in Spain. They are called first use license (“licencia de primera ocupación”) and habitation certificate (“cédula de habitabilidad”). These two documents sometimes have their own validity and in other occasions complement each other. It is difficult…

  • Interview from the Law Gazzette

    My legal life: Antonio Guillen 28 October 2013 Topics: Personal and professional development   Head of foreign property, DWF, Manchester. Watching LA Law in the late 1980s captured my attention and pushed me towards pursuing a career in law. I loved the talk, the looks and the suits. Life and a legal career then came…

  • Antonio Guillen appointed an Honorary Consul for Spain

                  Antonio Guillen, Head of the Foreign Property team at DWF, has been appointed as an Honorary Consul for Spain for the Greater Manchester, West and North Yorkshire regions. Antonio, dual-qualified in Spain and England, will support the Spanish Consulate in Edinburgh, which covers the north of the UK…


                        Given the increase of evictions and the drama that this carries to the Spanish society, a new Law (1-2013 14th May) has been launched in order to protect those who cannot pay the mortgage. The new law aims at helping those who, if provided with…

  • Buying property in Spain from a bank- Initial tips

                      These days, as a result of the economic situation and the increase of people who do not pay their mortgagees, the banks have gathered a huge housing stock and, sometimes, these kinds of properties, which have been acquired by way of foreclosing procedures, are offered for…

  • Can I renounce to an inheritance in Spain?

                    In most occassions, inheriting from a dead relative or friend comes associated with an increase in wealth. The heir or beneficiary inherits the assets or money that the deceased had and once the inheritance tax is paid, which sometimes can prove very expensive, the heir is left with…

  • How to set up a Spanish company

                      “Spain will be the next Germany!” This was the headline in “EL PAIS” last week, a popular Spanish newspaper. Is this true? Well, even though the headline may be exaggerated in my opinion, there are grounds for optimism as recent labour reforms will  benefit business development…

  • Buying under-value in Spain Part I

    It is no secret that the Spanish property market is very quiet. Nowadays, any person wanting to sell reasonably quick has to make a noticeably discount on the sale price. This could mean reducing the price in 20% or 30%. This could prove very atractive to the purchaser as it would allow him to buy…